Training and development

The ASI engaged a dedicated training manager in 2023- 2024 to address trade skills shortages in the steel supply chain and create strategies towards securing future skills requirements in Australia. Key initiatives in 2023-2024 included:

  • Connected NSW fabricators and engineering members with schools to promote careers in steel via the Department of Education’s Regional Industry Education Program. Educational tours provided real-life workshop experiences for the students, with a number of young people taking up steel

  • Developed a new ASI webpage for careers advisers to expand ASI’s reach to school students nationally to promote careers in steel. A key focus is to continue to build relationships with school communities and expand to other underrepresented people.• Continues to collaborate with TAFE institutes nationally offering a number of Certificate II in Engineering courses to upskill current employees.

  • Continues to collaborate with TAFE institutes nationally offering a number of Certificate II in Engineering courses to upskill current employees.

  • Connected with 850-900 careers advisers across NSW/ ACT to promote jobs in steel.

  • Provided input to the Australian Government Skills Priority List report published by Jobs and Skills Australia skills report.

  • ASI collaborated with the AiGroup and Training Services NSW to deliver the Driving Sustainable Modern Manufacturing seminar specifically designed for ASI fabricator members.

  • ASI attended the Tamworth Engineering and Manufacturing showcase at Belmore Engineering as part of a guided tour of eight steel businesses for students from six local high schools.


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