
ASI welcomed 1087 attendees at ASI events and seminars throughout the year. ASI bookshop, eLibrary, events and eLearning continue to provide tools for education, training and development to those seeking to better understand the steel industry. Highlights in 2023-2024 included:


  • ASI continued to offer ASI undergraduate steel awards to student winners from all Australian universities teaching steel design.
  • ASI continued to offer student lectures by ASI state managers to all Australian universities teaching steel design. The key lectures were Economical Steel Structures (a more general presentation), Steel Structures – Construction (presented to construction management students) and Bolting and Welding.
  • ASI is trialling a student undergraduate scholarship at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) with ASI member Orrcon Steel as the sponsor.


  • ASI plays a significant role in education for designing with steel, through live seminars, eLearning and webinars. ASI’s 2023-2024 list of seminars included Site Inspection of Structural Steelwork (130 participants), ASI Welding Course for Engineers (14), Finite Element Analysis of Steel Structures (147), Reducing the Risk of Fatigue Failure of Structural Steelwork (36), AS 4100 Steel Structures Design (150), Workshop Inspection of Structural Steelwork (69), Economic Briefings held in Sydney and Perth (80), NSW site visit tours Illawarra x 3, and western Sydney x 2 (20 each).


  • Responded to more than 700 eLibrary enquiries since 1 July 2023.
  • Sold over 800 books (eBooks and hardcopies) since 1 July 2023.


Six online eLearning courses have been added to the ASI eLearning program in the past 12 months, bringing the total to 69. A total of 421 people downloaded courses. eLearning has had a restructure, with upgrades to the eLearning platform and courses to ensure an even more reliable, stable and enjoyable user experience and capacity for future corporate package scalability.




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